Support Services Division
The Police Services Manager is responsible for 9-1-1 Communications, Records, Property & Evidence and Technology.
9-1-1 Communications
The Los Altos Police Department Communications Center serves as the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for the City of Los Altos; Communications Officers are responsible for prioritizing and dispatching calls for service, monitoring and tracking field units, and ensuring the safety of officers in the field.
All emergency calls originating in the City of Los Altos are answered by Los Altos Communications Officers. The Communications Center provides 24-hour answering of all emergency and non-emergency police, fire and medical calls. Calls received for fire and medical emergencies are transferred to the Santa Clara County Communications Center for dispatching of fire and emergency medical units.
Property & Evidence
The Property Officer is responsible for storing and tracking all property taken in by the Los Altos Police Department. Legal mandates address the disposal of “found” property, narcotics and dangerous drugs, firearms, and other items of value. The Property Officer is responsible for the record keeping that comes under scrutiny during the course of any criminal case, for which a property item may be introduced into evidence.
Records - Business Office
The Police Department's Records Unit is staffed by three Records Specialists and a Records Supervisor. The Records Unit provides assistance to the public at the front counter and answers all non-emergency calls Monday - Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. When Records is closed the non-emergency (650) 947-2770 calls are rolled over and answered by Communications. So, if you have a question for the Los Altos Police Department, call the non-emergency number (650) 947-2770; it's the best place to start.