North County Library Authority

Los Altos main library

The purpose of the North County Library Authority (NCLA) is to create an agency that will plan, support, acquire, construct, maintain, and operate programs and facilities for the extension of public library services for the benefit of the inhabitants within the collective boundaries of the member entities.


NCLA meetings are scheduled periodically; please use the subscribe button on the left of this page to be notified when meeting dates are set.

Member Roster

Name Representing Agency Term Expires
Pierre Bedard - President Library Commission Representative December 31, 2028
Larry Lang - Vice President Los Altos City Council December 31, 2028

Aarti Johri - Secretary 

Los Altos Hills Representative December 31, 2026
Pete Dailey Los Altos City Council December 31, 2026
Linda Swan Los Altos Hills Town Council December 31, 2028
Christi Mansel Administrative Officer


Measure L - Library Parcel Tax

As a special tax district, the North County Library Authority (NCLA) is funded via a parcel tax that was approved by the voters in June 2010. As such, the Authority is authorized to levy a qualified special tax of $76 per parcel per year. The special tax will be levied for 20 consecutive fiscal years, starting in the fiscal year that began on July 1, 2010, and ending the fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2029.

The revenue generated by the proposed parcel tax has been used to expand the service hours and book collections at the two Los Altos libraries over those levels possible with only County funding. Funds can be utilized to maintain library hours, purchase books and materials, support library programs, and for other general library purposes.

NCLA Tax Exemption for Low-Income Seniors

Each year, NCLA provides the opportunity for low-income seniors to request exemption from the $76 annual tax.  For the 25/26 fiscal year, the income threshold determined by the federal government is:

Single-person household: $64,550 | Two-person household: $73,750

If your tax documentation verifies that your income is below the Federal Low Income Threshold (released April 1 annually),  you may download the form to request an exemption from the tax. The deadline for submitting this form is June 30, 2025.

Budget Information & Year-End Financial Statements