Operations Division

Traffic Officer

Operations is comprised of Patrol, Traffic, Investigations, Crime Prevention, Canine, and SWAT. 


The Patrol Division is split into four Patrol Teams, each with a Sergeant, Agent, and Officers. The four Patrol Teams are assigned to either a dayshift or a nightshift. The teams work 12-hour shifts and are off every other weekend. Patrol includes all uniformed officers who respond to emergency and non-emergency calls for service and accounts for most of the interactions between the police department and the community. This division also includes the canine handler.


The Traffic Unit's primary function is to reduce injury collisions through education and enforcement. Traffic laws are enforced by all Los Altos Police Officers, but the Traffic Unit concentrates specifically on traffic enforcement, hit & run accident follow-up investigations and investigating major injury and/or fatal accidents. Traffic calming and measures to lower speeds in the residential and school zones are very important to us. Feel free to bring any traffic concerns or questions to our attention by submitting an Online Traffic Complaint Form.


The detectives in the Investigations Unit are divided into two groups: Property Crimes and Crimes Against Persons. Property Crimes detectives investigate thefts, burglaries, fraud, and financial crimes. Crimes Against Persons detectives investigate assaults, sexual assaults, robberies, homicides, and child abuse.

Detectives also work closely with other law enforcement agencies in the area to coordinate joint cases and share information regarding crimes and trends that affect all of Santa Clara County or the state.

The detectives are primarily tasked with investigating cases that are reported through the Patrol Division. Information developed by detectives is then passed back to the Patrol Division to ensure the enforcement efforts are focused and directed. Once a suspect is arrested as the result of an investigation, the Investigations Division along with the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office coordinates the prosecution of the suspect.

Crime Prevention

The Crime Prevention Officer is dedicated to public education regarding crime prevention, and is a resource for residents and business owners to discuss crime prevention topics such as Neighborhood Watch, Identity Theft and Safety tips for your home or business. Contact Crime Prevention at (650) 947-2776 or crimeprevention@losaltosca.gov to request a meeting or presentation.


The SWAT team is a cooperative group that shares resources with Mountain View Police Department. The two teams together are a highly trained group of officers tasked with the responsibility of handling and resolving high-risk situations. Utilizing team tactics, special weaponry, specialized equipment and other tactical skills, the SWAT team handles hostage rescue operations, armed and barricaded suspects, high risk warrant entries and any other situations requiring the team's skills and abilities. The SWAT team trains every month to maintain proficiency and expand their mission capabilities. A Tactical Commander and Team Leader command the team on missions and conduct team training.