Welcome to Housing
The city of Los Altos is committed to providing housing to meet the needs of all income levels for the community, which is important to the social and economic health of a city. In fall 2023, the City hired its first Housing Manager to support the City’s efforts to increase the housing opportunities for its citizens. The Housing Manager is directly involved with the implementation of the work plan programs related to the 2023-31 Housing Element. Housing Services are part of the City’s Development Services department.

Los Altos Housing Element
The Housing Element is a key part of a city’s General Plan and must be updated every 8 years, per state law. Learn more about the Housing Element here.

Affordable Housing Program
Ensuring housing accessibility for residents of all income levels is a key focus for Los Altos. Discover affordable housing opportunities and resources here.

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are secondary housing units located on the same lot as a primary residence. Learn more about ADUs here.

Fair Housing Resources
Fair housing ensures equal housing choices for people of similar income, regardless of factors like race, gender, or disability. Learn more if you suspect housing discrimination.

Services for the Unhoused
Explore available services and resources for unhoused individuals in Los Altos, including access to food, shelter, and healthcare.