Catalytic Converter Etch and Protect Program

Most catalytic converters are not serialized property and therefore are very difficult to be traced when stolen. Etching of the catalytic converter creates a way for law enforcement to locate the owner if they have fallen victim to their catalytic converter being stolen and it has been recovered.
Disclaimer: Etching the catalytic converter does not guarantee it will not be stolen or a guarantee of recovery. Etching is a layer of protection so if it is stolen, it could be identified as belonging to your vehicle which could result in recovery and potential prosecution of the person(s) in possession of your stolen catalytic converter.
There are also catalytic converter theft devices that can be purchased online to add an extra layer of protection. You should consult with the auto repair facility of your choosing and weigh the pros and cons of having one installed. Etching a converter with your license plate or VIN number will assist police to help track the converter in the event it is stolen and recovered.
The following businesses are current Los Altos Police Department Etch and Protect partners. Appointments are required for etching.
When contacting our participating auto repair facility, remember to mention the "Los Altos Police Etch and Protect Program".
Note: Standard etching is offered at no-cost. The anti-theft devices or bracket installations are not free and their installation is not part of this program.
If you are an automotive business owner who wishes to partner with the Los Altos Police Department Etch and Protect Program, please contact Detective Kozy at
2073 Grant Road Los Altos, CA 94024 (650) 968-7227 |