Maintaining Transparency Within Our Community
The Los Altos Police Department is dedicated to providing the highest level of professional service to the community, promoting positive interactions, and building strong community partnerships. National and local events have prompted questions about our policies and procedures, which are available on our Department webpage. In addition, inquiries have been made pertaining to our complaint, arrest, and citation data.
We recognize that transparency is essential in maintaining trust, confidence, and partnerships with the community that we serve every day. In response to the inquiries that we have received, we have prepared a statistical report* outlining several key areas of interactions with the community. I hope you find this information valuable and I look forward to your comments as we continue to serve the Los Altos community.
*The City is not obligated to create a record that does not exist at the time of the request. Govt. Code section 6252(e ); Sander v. Superior Court (2018) 26 Cal.App. 5th 651. Although not legally required to create a record, for transparency and open government, the City created the summary of the police data