Trash Pick-Up and Recycling
Mission Trail Waste Systems provides residential, commercial and industrial collection services for garbage, recycling and organics for the city of Los Altos.
If you have questions regarding your garbage collection, contact Mission Trail Waste Systems at (650) 473-1400.
Resource Guides
For a video introduction to waste collection services in Los Altos, click here.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Some items are considered hazardous waste and present such a threat that it is illegal to dispose of them through the trash can. Some of these items include batteries, florescent light bulbs, electronic waste, and mercury thermostats; for a list of items which are collected as a part of Mission Trail's Hazardous Waste Program, click here.
Another resource available is the Santa Clara County Household Hazardous Waste Program.
Not Sure How To Sort Your Waste?
Did You Know?
Beginning January 1, 2022, all businesses and multi-family complexes in California will be required to recycle organic waste. Senate Bill 1383 sets statewide goals to reduce organic waste disposal by 50% from the 2014 level by 2020, and 75% from the 2014 level by 2025. It builds upon California's leading commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution statewide and follows the same path as other state recycling laws such as Assembly Bills 1826 and 341. The city of Los Altos has implemented an ordinance requiring that all businesses in Los Altos receives recycling and organics collection service.
The ordinance states that all commercial businesses and multi-family complexes generating recycling (paper, cardboard, cans, glass bottles and jars, and plastics labeled 1-7) or organic waste (food scraps and trimmings from food preparation, acceptable food packaging items, and plant debris) must participate in the recycling and organic waste collection program. Mission Trail Waste Systems (MTWS) will be providing an organics collection container to any businesses that do not sign up for organic waste collection services or submit a waiver form certification.
Please call MTWS at (650) 473-1400 to subscribe to recycling and organics collection services.
Amended and Restated Collection Service Agreement-Mission Trail Waste System, Inc., April 23, 2020
To view the Amended and Restated Collection Service Agreement with Mission Trail Waste System, Inc., click here.