Operating Budget & Five-Year CIP

The budget is adopted by City Council on or before June 30 of each year. The operating budget and CIP represent the City's financial plan and define the limits of spending authority. The City develops an annual operating budget and a five-year Capital Improvement and Major Maintenance Program. The Adopted Budget for FY24-25 & FY24-29 CIMMP is now available.  


Past Budgets

FY23-24 Adopted

FY22 & FY23 Adopted

FY20 & FY21 Adopted

FY18 & FY19 Adopted

FY16 & FY17 Adopted

FY14 & FY15 Update

FY14 & FY15 Adopted

FY12 & FY13 Update

FY12 & FY13 Adopted

FY10 & FY11 Update

FY09 & FY10 Proposed

FY08 & FY09 Adopted