Run Hide Defend
Recent events have once again brought the topic of Active Shooters to the forefront of our concerns. Los Altos Police recommends taking a few moments to consider some simple preparation in the event you are confronted with such an attack.
- If it is safe to escape, run as fast as you can
- Run away from the direction of gunshots
- DO NOT stop running until far away
- Leave your belongings behind
- Help others escape if possible
- Keep large objects between you and the threat
- Call 9-1-1 when safe
- If unable to escape, create a stronghold
- Keep the door locked, turn off lights & close blinds
- Barricade the door and take cover
- Silence cell phones and stay quiet
- Call 9-1-1 when safe
- Do not open the door for anyone
- Put yourself in a position to surprise the suspect
- A last resort option
- Act as aggressively as possible
- Improvise weapons
- Attack in a group
- Yell & make loud noises to disorient the shooter
- Grab the shooter's limbs and head
- Cover the gun and hold the shooter down
- Follow all instructions from law enforcement
Department members adhere to and teach the fundamental principles agreed upon by the members of the Santa Clara County Chiefs’ Association "RUN HIDE DEFEND" as well as those presented by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
If you are interested in a Run-Hide-Fight presentation for your business, church, school, non-profit or social club, click the link below to submit your request.