Office of the City Clerk
The City Clerk is responsible for facilitating the conduct of business by the City Council, and fulfilling legal requirements as set forth in the City Code and State law. The Clerk participates in regular City Council meetings by recording official actions and legislation of the Council, documenting the proceedings of meetings and retaining other legal and historical records.
The Clerk conducts all City elections and acts as compliance officer for campaign and financial disclosure filings as part of the Political Reform Act. City of Los Altos Disclosure forms can be viewed on the Agency-wide Filings page.
Commissions & Committees
The City Clerk also recruits for and provides support to members of the City Commissions and Committees. Commissions and Committees are comprised of volunteers who advise the City Council on various subject matters.
Public Records
The City Clerk is the Official Custodian of all City records and is responsible for records management for the City, managing the maintenance and disposition of City records and information according to statute and the City's Records Retention Schedule and Policy. The City Clerk also helps to preserve the City's history through City Council Ordinances, Resolutions, and Minutes. The Clerk is responsible for updating the City's Municipal Code.