Los Altos Safety Element

Safety Element
The Safety Element plays a critical role in the city’s long-range planning efforts, specifically addressing protection against a range of natural and human-caused hazards. Its primary objective is to inform decision-making related to these hazards, ensuring the safety of residents, workers, and visitors. The Safety Element focuses on mitigating risks associated with various disasters, including:
- Seismic and geologic hazards: Such as earthquakes, landslides, and subsidence.
- Fire hazards: Including wildfire risk management.
- Hazardous materials: Addressing potential spills and their impact.
- Flooding: Implementing strategies to minimize flood-related risks.
- Other hazards: Such as climate change impacts, crime, hazardous materials spills.
Under California State law (Government Code Section 65302), every city must create and adopt a general plan—a comprehensive framework that outlines the community’s long-term vision. Within this general plan, the Safety Element stands as one of the nine State-mandated components.
How can the public be involved in the process and stay informed?
The City is committed to involving the public in the development of the Safety Element. Opportunities for engagement include an online survey that will be available in late spring. Two in-person workshops will be held during the summer and fall of 2024. The City will also make the Draft Safety Element available for public review, which is anticipated to be released in Winter 2024/2025. Planning Commission and City council meetings that are open to the public are planned for the Spring of 2025.
To stay informed about upcoming Safety Element Updates, you can sign up for email updates HERE . For any further inquiries, please feel free to email safetyelement@losaltosca.gov.
Community Workshops
The City of Los Altos is hosting two neighborhood meetings to discuss updates to the Safety Element of the General Plan. The Safety Element will evaluate and address both natural and human-made hazards as well as climate change impacts in the City of Los Altos.
Meeting 1
DATE/TIME: August 7, 2024, 6-8 PM
LOCATION: Los Altos Community Center, Manzanita Room, 97 Hillview Avenue, Los Altos
MEETING FOCUS: Review evaluation of hazards and receive input on issues, concerns, and ideas.
Meeting 2
DATE/TIME: November 13, 2024, 6-8 PM
LOCATION: Los Altos Community Center, Manzanita Room, 97 Hillview Avenue, Los Altos
MEETING FOCUS: Review of Goals, Policies, and Actions Included in the Safety Element.
Community Survey
Your input is invaluable as we work towards updating the Safety Element. This survey should only take around 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain completely anonymous and confidential.
Please note that the community survey is now closed.