Los Altos Housing Element

86 Third Street Mixed-Use Multi-Family Residential/Commercial project

The Los Altos Housing Element is one of the required elements (chapters) of the City’s General Plan, and it is intended to provide a comprehensive strategy for promoting the production of safe, decent, and affordable housing within the community. Every eight years, cities must update their housing element and have it approved by the State. 

Providing housing to meet the needs of all income levels is important to the social and economic health of a city. For Bay Area communities like Los Altos, it can be challenging to meet the housing needs of teachers, nurses, and other workers who struggle to secure quality housing close to their workplace. Having an approved housing element makes Los Altos eligible for a variety of State grants, including funds for affordable housing, parks, and infrastructure.

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HCD Prohousing Designation Program Application

The City is leveraging the Housing Element promoting some of the programs in its application to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) to receive a Prohousing Designation for the City. This will allow the City to be more competitive for Federal and State funding opportunities to support affordable housing developments. The HCD Prohousing Designation Program Application is available for public review and comment for a 30-day period commencing on Friday, April 12, 2024, through Monday, May 13, 2024. Below is a link to the HCD Prohousing Designation Program Application. Please submit all comments to the City Housing Manager, Monica Gallardo-Melkesian, at mgallardo@losaltoca.gov.