Welcome to Building Services

Construction site

The Building Division is responsible for performing architectural and structural plan checks, scheduling and performing building inspections, and providing general customer information services. Regulating the construction and/or renovation of both residential and commercial buildings is an important aspect of consumer protection that benefits both the residents and visitors of our City.

Residential construction hours are 7 AM-5:30 PM Monday-Friday and 9 AM-3 PM on Saturday. Commercial construction hours are 7 AM-7 PM Monday-Friday and 9 AM-6 PM on Saturday. Construction is not permitted on Sunday or City observed holidays. 

Development Impact Fee Update

After completion of a Development Impact Fee Study, the City Council updated existing impact fees and adopted new impact fees to be collected starting in August 2024. The City’s adopted impact fees include a Park and Recreation, Public Safety, General Government, Transportation, Public Art, and Commercial Linkage impact fee. 

Development Impact Fee Resources

Electronic Building Plan Check Submittals

All plans shall be submitted via email to bldpermit@losaltosca.gov. We will no longer be accepting hard copies of the plans at City Hall. Plans, supplemental documents (i.e. structural calculations, Title 24, truss calculations, green documents, geotechnical reports, etc.) and the COMPLETED application must be sent electronically to bldpermit@losaltosca.gov. We do not accept hard copy plans and applications. 

The plan submittal will be processed within 2-4 business days. Once processed you will be notified how to pay the plan review fees.  The project will then be routed to all appropriate departments. Additions and new SFD's will require prior Planning Department approval.

Projects submitted without a completed application and all required documentation will not be processed. Some minor permits can be applied for in person at City Hall. However, you will be required to scan your documents at City Hall prior to being seen.  All permits will continue to be sent electronically.

eTrakit - Online Permitting

In a continuing effort to improve customer service and streamline the permitting process, the eTRAKiT Online Permit Program allows contractors to apply for and obtain certain types of simple residential building permits online.

Examples of permits available online include the following: 

  • Residential Re-roofs 

Residential Plumbing Permits:

  • Water Heater Replacements  (only non-tankless water heaters) 
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters

Residential Electrical Permits:

  • Temporary Power Pole
  • Main Service Panel Upgrade 
  • New Subpanel

Residential Mechanical Permits:  

  • Furnace Replacement (like for like) 

Contact the Building Division

Phone: (650) 947-2752
Inspections: https://trakit.losaltosca.gov/etrakit
