Watering the Civic Center Apricot Orchard
In order to meet the State’s water conservation goals due to the drought, the City has significantly cut back on the normal irrigation schedule for the Civic Center orchard. In order to continue to meet water reduction goals while maintaining the health of the orchard, the City’s orchardist has recommended modest watering now that the apricot harvest is complete.
Watering will begin on Friday, July 22, 2016 and take place after 8:00 p.m. and be complete before 6:00 a.m. the following morning in order to minimize evaporation. The watering will be completed in several sections and could last over ten consecutive nights during the previous mentioned times at each section.
The water lines will be set up starting Friday morning and will need to be tested once set up, so there will be sporadic testing of lines taking place during the day.
Questions about the maintenance of the orchard should be directed to the City of Los Altos Maintenance Division at (650) 947-2785.