Frequently Asked Questions - Park Maintenance
Who do I call about a broken sprinkler head in the park or street?
You can click here to report a maintenance problem online or call Maintenance Services Department at (650) 947-2785.
There are bees swarming. What should be done about it?
Call the Maintenance Services Department at (650) 947-2870 and staff will contact a beekeeper to come out and rescue the bees. Bees are an important part of our ecosystem and we make every effort to protect and preserve the hive. Bees generally swarm in the spring as they are finding new hive locations. This is a perfect time to easily relocate the bees minimizing any inconvenience they may present to the public.
Which City parks have water features and when do they run?
There are water features installed in the playgrounds at Grant Park and Marymeade Park. The water feature operates annually from mid-April to mid-October. The feature is programmed to run between the hours of 10 AM-5 PM, operating every half hour for a duration of three to five minutes. At any time, the City may turn off the water deactivate the features for a variety of reasons.
What is the tennis court lighting schedule?
Montclaire Park and Marymeade Park tennis court lights are operable between dusk to 9 PM. McKenzie Park tennis court lights stay on from dusk to 10 PM.
What is the tennis court cleaning schedule?
Each tennis court is cleaned monthly by gently sweeping and washing the court surface to wash away the build up of dust and debris for better playability. Court cleaning takes priority over all play. The schedule is as follows:
McKenzie Park | First Thursday | 1 PM - 5 PM |
Marymeade Park | Second Thursday | 9 AM- 1 PM |
Montclaire Park | Third Thursday | 1 PM - 5 PM |
Rosita Park | Fourth Thursday | 8 AM- 11 AM |