Fair Housing Resources

Fair housing is defined as the ability of persons of similar income levels to have the same housing choices regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, age, gender, marital status, familial status, source of income, sexual orientation, or disability.

Housing Discrimination is Illegal

Housing discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals in the area of housing and real estate based on the individual's protected class. Housing discrimination is prohibited by federal and state law, and the City of Los Altos supports fair housing rights.

If you suspect you’ve been denied housing due to discrimination, Project Sentinel, a local nonprofit agency, may be able to help. Call toll-free (888) F-A-I-R-H-O-U-(S-I-N-G) or (888) 324-7468 or visit the Project Sentinel’s website at www.housing.org.

Examples of Fair Housing Services Offered

  • Tenant and Landlord Education and Counseling
  • Investigation
  • Attorney and Agency Referral

There is no charge for any of these fair housing services.