Affordable Housing

The city of Los Altos Affordable Housing Program has a range of housing types in the community including single-family dwellings, second living units, and multiple-family units. A majority of the housing in the community is valued at a market-rate; however, there are many housing units that are restricted to households with lower incomes. The income-restricted housing is often referred to as affordable housing or below-market-rate (BMR) housing.

The City’s commitment to providing the opportunity for affordable housing is reflected in its Housing Element in the General Plan and the zoning code. The primary source of affordable housing is multiple-family projects, where the City’s zoning code requires developers to include affordable housing units in their projects under most circumstances (Chapter 14.28 of the Municipal Code). The affordable multiple-family housing units range in price but are substantially below the market rate. Affordable housing units are deed restricted to moderate, low and very-low income levels as required by the City and defined by the State. As of June 2016, the City has 105 affordable multiple-family units, which includes 32 rental units and 22 units restricted to seniors.

Another source of affordable housing in Los Altos are Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). An accessory dwelling unit (ADU), also referred to as a second unit or in-law unit, is a dwelling unit that provides complete, independent living facilities on the same lot as a single-family or multi-family dwelling. Independent living facilities includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation (restroom/wash facilities). ADUs are an important part of the City’s housing stock as they can provide an affordable housing option for family members, friends, colleagues, or anyone seeking rental housing; can provide extra rental income to help pay the mortgage, save for retirement, or build a financial safety net; and can provide a way to downsize without moving away from the community.

Los Altos Below Market Rate (BMR) Inventory

Current Opportunities

For current affordable housing opportunities, please check the Alta Housing website.

Adopted Priority Categories

First Priority (in no order of preference)

  1. Persons who are regular, full-time staff for School District or Charter School who have been employed by a school that serves Los Altos residents, including the following schools outside City limits: Springer Elementary, Mountain View High, Cupertino Jr. High, Homestead High School, Alta Vista High, and West Valley Elementary, for a period of no less than 12 months prior to the time of application;
  2. Persons who are salaried City employees as defined in the City’s personnel rules, who have been employed by the City for a period of no less than 12 months prior to the time of application; and
  3. Persons who are salaried Santa Clara County Fire Department employees who are assigned to the two fire stations located in the city of Los Altos.

Second Priority (in no order of preference)

  1. Persons who reside in the City at the time of application and who have lived in the City for at least the prior two years;
  2. Persons who work in the City at the time of application and have worked in the City for at least two years; and
  3. Households which are required to relocate their residence as a result of Council action.

Third Priority (in no order of preference)

  1. Persons who work in the City at the time of application;
  2. Persons who have lived in the City for at least two years and who have moved out of the City within the five years prior to the time of application; and
  3. Persons whose parents or children live in the City at the time of the application and such persons have lived in the City at some prior time.

Fourth Priority

  1. Persons who live or work within Santa Clara County at the time of application.


General questions about the City's Affordable Housing Program can be directed to the city of Los Altos Planning Division at (650) 947-2750. More detailed questions should be referred to Alta Housing.

Alta Housing
Alta Housing is the City’s third party not for profit organization that monitors the City’s Below Market Rate (BMR) units. For those project that have more than five (5) multi-family units, please contact Alta Housing directly so that you can be notified of future BMR opportunities:

Alta Housing
BMR Manager

Sobrato Center for Nonprofits
3640 W. Bayshore Rd. Ste. 104, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: (650) 321-9709  |  Fax: (650) 321-4341