Historic Preservation Regulations

Shoup House

Los Altos is a community that celebrates its history. This rich past has been incorporated into the fabric of the City and provides a link to the community’s heritage and history. The remaining sites and structures of architectural and/or historic significance enhance the community’s unique character and contribute to a sense of place. As outlined in the Los Altos General Plan, it is a goal of the City to preserve and enhance historic and cultural structures and resources within the community. These goals and policies are implemented through the City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance. The primary purpose of the Ordinance is to ensure the protection of irreplaceable historic resources, enhance visual character through architectural compatibility, and encourage appreciation and recognition of the City’s past.

Historic Preservation Ordinance

Historical Review Applications

Projects that propose exterior alterations or additions to a designated Historic Resource or Landmark property are subject to the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance permit requirements. A submittal requirements checklist is provided below.

Historic Alternation Submittal Requirements

Mills Act Program

The Mills Act is a state law that provides a financial incentive for property owners who commit to the ongoing preservation and rehabilitation of historic resources.  Owners of historic resources may apply for a Mills Act Contract. If approved, the contract would require property owners to implement an ongoing historic preservation plan in exchange for a reduced property tax rate. Additional information about the Mills Act Program is available in the Mills Act Information Guide.

Mills Act Information Guide