Complete Streets Commission

The Complete Streets Commission advises the City Council on complete streets projects/programs, and recommends solutions in accordance with Complete Streets policies (directed by AB 1358, with implementation standards guided by VTA, CalTrans, and NHTSA) and consistent with partner agencies (CalTrans, Santa Clara County Roads, VTA, OBAG). Complete Streets are streets for everyone. They are planned, designed, and operated for safe mobility for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit users of all ages and abilities. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Help to create multi-modal transportation solutions and policies that enable safe, attractive, comfortable, and independent access and travel for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists of all ages and abilities, including connectivity across jurisdictional boundaries
  • Advise the Council on existing and proposed City policies related to traffic calming and traffic enforcement
  • Advise the Council on projects and budget priorities for transportation-related capital improvements
  • Provide for community engagement and serve as a conduit for community input.


The Complete Streets Commission meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 6 PM. Meetings are held in the Los Altos Community Center (97 Hillview Ave, Los Altos, CA 94022), unless otherwise noted

Member Roster

Name Term Term Expiration
Stacy Banerjee 2nd  September 2026
Suresh Venkatraman 2nd September 2028
Tony Li 1st September 2028
Scott J. Pietka, Vice Chair  Partial September 2026
Stephen Katz 2nd September 2028
Tom Gschneidner 1st September 2026
Wesley Helmholz, Chair Partial September 2026

Larry Lang

Council Liaison

Art Williams Staff Liaison