City Council Study Session: AT&T Small Cell Nodes
Calendar Date:
AT&T has begun a public outreach campaign as they seek to improve wireless service in the City of Los Altos. Many residents have received a letter from AT&T notifying them of their desire to place a small cell node facility on existing wood utility poles located in the public right-of-way. This has generated community interest and the City has received feedback from some residents who do not want the small cell nodes to be installed.
At this time, AT&T is seeking a permit from the City to perform work in the public right-of-way. No permits have been approved. On Tuesday, July 9, City Council will receive information from the City Attorney regarding this topic. The Federal Communications Commission regulates these matters; however, the City Attorney will advise whether there are steps the City may be able to take to further regulate the installation of small cell nodes in Los Altos neighborhoods.
Meeting Details
The public is welcome to attend an upcoming City Council Study Session to learn more about the topic. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at the Los Altos Youth Center located at 1 N San Antonio Road. Meeting materials are available online.