City Council Strategic Goals
The City Council Strategic Goals highlight those areas identified by the Council for emphasis and focus. The City Council will accomplish these goals by engaging the community and making decisions which are equitable, sustainable and fiscally prudent. The City Council will ensure that appropriate resources are allocated to maintain Los Altos as a great place to live and work, including providing a work culture and environment that supports recruitment and retention of exceptional employees to provide City services and maintenance and improvement of the City’s assets.
Business Communities
The city of Los Altos will support the different business communities, including implementing specific projects and/or elements of the Housing Element and Downtown Vision Plan, and launching initiatives to bolster the business communities.
Circulation Safety and Efficiency
The city of Los Altos will continue implementing the City’s policies as expressed in the Complete Streets Master Plan and other plans which support improving circulation safety and efficiencies, with an emphasis on improving Safe Routes to Schools.
Environmental Sustainability
The city of Los Altos will be a leader in environmental sustainability through education, incentives and adaptation initiatives, and practices identified in the City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.
The city of Los Altos will implement the Housing Element, programs, and policies to facilitate, incentivize and administer the availability of housing that is safe, diverse and affordable for all income levels to meet the needs of the Community and seek to increase and protect its green space.
Neighborhood Safety Infrastructure
The city of Los Altos will conduct a public safety facilities condition assessment on the condition of the police station and the two firehouses and based on the public safety needs of the community, develop a plan to replace, repair and/or rehabilitate the City’s public safety infrastructure.