
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
01-25 Resolution Amending the Land Use Map of the City of Los Altos General Plan on Property Located at 1402 Miravalle Avenue 09/11/2001 View Details
01-24 Resolution Endorsing Wildlife Rescue, Inc. Programs and Services 09/11/2001 View Details
01-23 Resolution accepting completion and directing engineer to file notice of acceptance of completion Shoup Park Lighting Repair Project 2000-9 09/11/2001 View Details
01-22 Resolution amending Resolution No. 01-18 by incorporating by reference language of the Ordinance submitted to the qualified voters of the City concerning the Transient Occupancy Tax 08/07/2001 View Details
01-21 Resolution – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Goal of 11% for Fiscal Year 2001-02 07/24/2001 View Details
01-20 Resolution Setting Certain Fees and Charges to be Collected 07/10/2001 View Details
01-19 Resolution Endorsing Private Fundraising Efforts to Furnish New Theaters at Los Altos and Mountain View High Schools 07/10/2001 View Details
01-18 Resolution calling a Special Election in said city for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters thereof a measure concerning the Transient Occupancy Tax Rate and making provisions for conducting said election and providing for notice thereof 06/26/2001 View Details
01-17 Resolution Setting the Appropriations Limit 06/26/2001 View Details
01-16 Resolution Adopting the Service and Financial Plan and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 06/26/2001 View Details
01-15 Resolution of intention to approve an amendment to contract between the Board of Administration California Public Retirement System 06/26/2001 View Details
01-14 Resolution calling a general Municipal Election in said city for the purpose of filling two vacant City Council offices, adopting regulations pertaining thereto, and contracting with the registrar of voters for election services 06/26/2001 View Details
01-13 Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the program supplement for Federal Aid for the Berry Avenue Safe Routes to School Project 05/22/2001 View Details
01-12 Resolution Opposing National Fire Protection Association’s Proposed Standards 1710 & 1720 04/24/2001 View Details
01-11 Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for allocation of Transportation Development Act Article 3 Funds for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 04/10/2001 View Details
01-10 Resolution amending its allocation of non-competitive funds from Santa Clara County under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act for Fiscal Years 1995-96, 1997-98, 1998-99, & 1999-2000 03/27/2001 View Details
01-09 Resolution authorizing the submittal of proposals for non-competitive funds from Santa Clara County under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act for fiscal year 2001/2002 03/27/2001 View Details
01-08 Resolution accepting completion and directing engineer to file notice of acceptance of completion Civic Center Connection Road Realignment Landscaping Improvements 03/27/2001 View Details
01-07 Resolution Amending the Position Classification Plan, Salary Schedule and Authorized Position List, Effective February 27, 2001 02/27/2001 View Details
01-06 Resolution accepting completion and directing engineer to file notice of acceptance of completion Civic Center Connection Road Realignment Library to Hillview Project 2000-7 02/06/2001 View Details
01-05 Resolution accepting completion and directing engineer to file notice of acceptance of completion 2001 Maintenance Resurfacing Project 2001-1 02/06/2001 View Details
01-01 Resolution Approving a Master Agreement with the State of California for Administering Agency-State Agreements for Federal-Aid Projects 01/09/2001 View Details
00-39 A Resolution electing to be subject to Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act only with respect to members of a specific employee organization fixing the employer’s contribution for employees and the e 12/12/2000 View Details
00-38 A Resolution electing to be subject to Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act fixing the employer’s contribution for employees and the employer’s contribution for annuitants at different amounts 12/12/2000 View Details
00-37 A Resolution accepting completion and directing Engineer to file notice of acceptance of completion, Annual Concrete Repair, Project 2001-2 11/28/2000 View Details
