Cuesta Drive Traffic Calming Project
The Cuesta Drive traffic calming project includes the design of traffic calming treatments on Cuesta Drive and Arboleda Drive aimed to help reduce vehicle speed and improving both bicycle and pedestrian connectivity between S El Monte Avenue and Springer Road.
Both Cuesta Drive and Arboleda Drive are two-lane residential-lined streets. Cuesta Drive provides a direction route into Downtown Los Altos while Arboleda Drive serves as a route to Covington Elementary School and Rosita Park. This project is funded through the Capital Improvement Program - Collector Street Traffic Calming (TS-01022) project.
Project planning begin in 2018 with a concept of raised crosswalk on Cuesta Drive, between El monte Avenue and Springer Road. City collected community inputs from multiple community open house and Complete Streets Commission meetings. The final plan of the project includes the following elements:
Cuesta Drive (between El Monte Avenue and Springer Road):
- Speed Tables to reduce vehicular traffic. (speed hump with a flat top)
- Pedestrian walkway on the north side of the road between Campbell Avenue and S. Clark Avenue.
- Micro surfacing treatment between Campbell Avenue and S. Clark Avenue.
- Signage and striping improvements including.
Arboleda Drive (from Cuesta Drive to Springer Road):
- Speed humps to reduce vehicular traffic.
- Signage and striping improvements.
Final plan can be found under Files section at the bottom of this page. File name "18. Cuesta Drive Traffic Calming Project - Final Plan".
Current Status:
Post-construction study was presented to Complete Streets Commission in April 2021. City will conduct further study to present recommendation to Commission and City Council in Fall 2021.
Project History:
Spring 2021: Post-Construction analysis and presentation to Complete Streets Commission (CSC). View presented material here, item 3 of April 28th meeting.
November 2020: Construction Complete
October 2020: Construction Begin
July, 14, 2020: City Council approved construction award to Redgwick Construction, Co.
May, 5, 2020: Project Plan and Specification advertised for bid.
September, 25, 2019: Planned update to the Complete Streets Commission on the project design.
May 28, 2019: City staff presented the project to City Council for authorization to finalize the design.
April 24, 2019: City made a presentation at the Complete Streets Commission. A Refined Concept Plan was presented at that time with feedback received from the March 27, 2019 Open House and Complete Streets Commission meeting.
March 27, 2019: City held an Open House for the public to provide input on the conceptual plan line options for Cuesta Drive, Arboleda Drive, and Campbell Avenue. The Open House was followed by a presentation and discussion with the Complete Streets Commission.
January 23, 2019: City held an Open House for the public to provide input on preliminary design concepts for the project. The Open House was followed by a presentation and discussion with the Complete Streets Commission.