City-wide Street Crack-sealing Project

Project Category: 
Streets and Roadways
Project Status: 
In Construction
Project Priority: 
Asset Preservation
Project Lead: 
M. Hernandez
Year Adopted:
Annual Project
Target Completion Date:
Annual Project

On Monday, May 4, 2015, the City of Los Altos Maintenance Division will begin a city-wide street crack-sealing project on Monday, May 4, 2015. This project consists of the sealing of hairline cracks in the street surface with a silicone based sealant. Crack-sealing prolongs the life of the street surface by preventing water from seeping into the cracks and causing further deterioration.

Traffic Impact

The traffic impact for this project will be minimal. No streets will be closed and vehicles can resume normal traffic flow shortly after the sealant has been applied to the street surface, typically around 10-15 minutes after application. Minor traffic control, including flagmen, will be in place to direct traffic accordingly. Work will generally be performed between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. This project is anticipated to be completed in 60 days.

Locations Scheduled for Treatment

Several locations across the City of Los Altos are scheduled for crack seal treatment. To view a list of street segments scheduled for work, see files listed below.

Questions about this project can be directed to the City of Los Altos Maintenance Division at (650) 947-2785 or

two staff members working with street crack-sealing
Street crack-sealing
staff member working on street crack-sealing
Status Updates

Tuesday, May 5, 2015: After sending notification to residents about this project, some residents reported the need for crack-sealing on their streets. In response, Glen Alto Drive and Paco Drive will now also receive crack-sealing treatment as part of this project.