Downtown Parking

Project ID: 
Project Category: 
Project Status: 
Not Started
Project Priority: 
Quality of Life
Expended to Date: 
- 0 -
Project Lead: 
J. Biggs
Year Adopted:
Target Completion Date:

In September 2013, the City Council adopted the Downtown Parking Management Plan. One of the strategies identified to increase parking supply is the construction of a parking structure. In June 2014, the Los Altos Chamber of Commerce released a subcommittee report (revised in October 2014) that considered numerous aspects of a downtown parking structure as a long-term solution, including a shared City/Downtown Property Owners financing model. In March 2015, an ad hoc City-wide Parking Committee was founded to evaluate policies and methods to effectively provide adequate parking downtown. Recommendations of this ad hoc committee have been reviewed and are being given further consideration.

Based upon the results of the Downtown visioning process (CIP Project CD-01013) and other Downtown-related Council decisions, this project would be initiated to identify, evaluate and implement short-term parking management methods and maintain readiness to engage a parking structure design group to develop schematic designs for a parking structure if this is an identified course of action. This effort will include public outreach and engagement.

Project Estimates Prior
2017/18 Budget 2018/19 Planned 2019/20 Planned 2020/21 Planned 2021/22 Planned Total
Downtown Parking $100,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - $100,000
Funding Sources
Downtown Parking Fund $100,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - $100,000