Ordinance amending Title 12 of the Municipal Code...


An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Los Altos amending Title 12 of the Municipal Code by replacing Chapters 12.04, 12.08, 12.10, 12.12, 12.16, 12.20, 12.22, 12.24, 12.26, 12.30, 12.32, 12.42, and 12.68 to adopt by reference the following: 2019 California Administrative Code, published by the International Code Council; 2019 California Building Code, published by the International Code Council; 2019 California Residential Code, published by the International Code Council; 2019 California Plumbing Code, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials; 2019 California Mechanical Code, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials; 2019 California Electrical Code, published by the National Fire Protection Agency; 2019 California Energy Code, published by the International Code Council; 2019 California Fire Code, published by the International Code Council; 2019 California Green Building Standards Code, published by the International Code Council; 2019 California Existing Building Code, published by the International Code Council; 2019 California Historical Building Code, published by the International Code Council; and 2019 California Referenced Standards Code, published by the International Code Council together with certain additions, insertions, deletions and changes thereto
Ordinance/Resolution ID: 
Ordinance/Resolution Status: 
Adopted Date: 
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