City Manager Weekly Updates - April 7, 2017
Assistant City Manager
Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) Launch Ceremony
Member agencies and the community joined in a SVCE launch ceremony on Monday, April 3, 2017 to celebrate the first official day of SVCE providing electricity to its first phase of customers throughout Silicon Valley. All remaining customers are included in SVCE’s second phase of enrollment in July 2017. SVCE is a Community Choice Energy program that will deliver clean, renewable and carbon-free electricity. Jeannie Bruins, City of Los Altos Councilmember and SVCE Board Director served as the event emcee and ended the event with a summary of the impact SVCE will have on reducing carbon emissions. “As SVCE completes enrollment and assumes the role of providing 100% carbon-free electricity to the grid, it will be sourcing 3600 gigawatt-hours to be consumed by our customers, and thus removing 1.2 billion pounds of carbon annually from electricity use, that is equivalent to taking 150,000 gas cars off the streets.” More than 75 guests attended the event.
Under a two-phased launch approach (April and July 2017), residents and commercial establishments will begin to receive 100% carbon free electricity. Customers will receive a total of four enrollment notices in the mail, beginning two months prior to the account start date and in each of the two months following the start date. Customers can opt-out of the SVCE program.
CERT Refresher Training – Disaster Psychology
Santa Clara County Fire Department is providing free CERT Refresher training to citizens who are currently CERT trained members. A new 2-hour course, Disaster Psychology, was launch on March 28, 2017 in the City of Cupertino. Many Los Altos CERT members attended this course. The course was presented by fire and dispatch personnel and the City’s Assistant City Manager, J. Logan. An additional Disaster Psychology CERT Refresher class is scheduled for Monday, April 10, 2017 at the Campbell Community Center, Orchard City Banquet Hall, 1 W Campbell Avenue from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. To register, contact County Fire at (408) 378-4010 or visit
Girl Scout GOLD Award Demonstration Garden Project at Woodland Library
Alyssa Robins approached the City with an idea to create, design and install a drought tolerant demonstration garden as part of a Girl Scout Gold Award project. The proposed garden would demonstrate her love of gardening, beautify a spot in the City and provide examples of colorful drought tolerant plants, grasses and unique usage of space for residents to be inspired by. A small area in front of the Woodland library has been selected as the ideal location for the garden. The library will provide dedicated space for information on drought tolerant gardens and highlight the plants on display outside. The garden will include an area of drought tolerant lawn grasses, a vertical garden and a rain garden with a catchment basin, along with a new pathway around the garden. Alyssa’s combination of the right location, creative design, organization, project work plan and leadership inspired enthusiastic sponsorship from local water retailer Cal Water as well as GreenTown Los Altos, Woodland library staff, City staff, dedicated volunteers and a welcome presentation to the City’s Environmental Commission. Alyssa’s leadership coalesced these ideas and leveraged community and agency talents to bring her Girl Scout Gold Award project to an implementation date scheduled for May 5, 6 and 7. A fitting day to plant a garden.
City Clerk
Public Art Master Plan
Efforts on the development of the City’s Public Art Master Plan are underway. A project website has been developed to provide more information. Community members are encouraged to participate in a survey to provide input into the development of the Plan.
Youth Commission Now Accepting Applications
The City is now accepting applications to serve on the Youth Commission. Applicants must be City of Los Altos residents and currently in grades six to eleven. Members are appointed to two-year terms. Five positions expiring in June 2019 are now available with two incumbents eligible for reappointment. Applications are due by Friday, May 5, 2017. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 11, 2017.
Community Development
Downtown Vision Kickoff Event
The community is invited to join us for the Downtown Vision Kickoff Event on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in Veterans Community Plaza. Attendees will have an opportunity to provide input on the Downtown’s future and the degree of change they feel is appropriate. They will also hear about the many ways to stay involved in the process. To learn more, visit the Downtown Vision website and to stay up-to-date on the project, be sure to sign-up for email notifications.
Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulation Revision
The accessory dwelling unit regulations (secondary dwelling units) were considered by the Planning and Transportation Commission (PTC) at a public hearing on Thursday, April 6, 2017. The Commission voted to recommend the amendments to the City Council. It is expected that the City Council will consider the new accessory dwelling unit regulations in early May.
New Planning and Transportation Commissioner
Newly appointed Planning and Transportation Commissioner, Anita Enander, took her seat at the meeting last night, April 6, 2017 and began her duties of reviewing development and the rules that guide development in Los Altos. She was welcomed by fellow Commissioners and all shared they are looking forward to working with her as they review the wide array of projects that will come to the Commission in the future.
Planning Staff Search
The search for a senior planner continued with the closing of the employment application period this past week. The applications have been screened and the top candidates have been contacted for a panel interview. The goal is to have a candidate of senior planner caliber identified soon to assist with the numerous long range planning projects that are currently in-process.
Following last night’s powerful storm, the Police Department was made aware of power outages at various intersections across the City. The appropriate utility companies have been contacted to request repair service. All are encouraged to drive with caution and are reminded to treat intersections as 4-way stop when traffic lights are non-operational.
Public Works
Storm Update
Like other communities in the Bay Area, the City was hit by a winterlike storm last night with rain and strong wind. City crews responded to 15 storm related calls last night and an additional 19 calls today, mostly related to downed trees and limbs. All storm-related calls have been addressed. There was no report of flooding or major property damage. The City also responded to signal outages at several intersections. Except for the signal at W. Edith Avenue and First Street, all signal operation has been restored. A County maintenance crew is currently working on the W. Edith Avenue and First Street signals and will try to restore operation as soon as possible.
Redwood Grove Tree Maintenance Project
The tree maintenance project in Redwood Grove is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 17, 2017. Work hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. Twenty-four trees identified as dead or dying will be removed or top pruned. Wood that is felled will be milled onsite; this process may be noisy. The project is anticipated to be complete in late May. Notices of the work have been posted in Redwood Grove. The project area will be clearly marked and CLOSED to the public. The public is asked to observe signs indicating areas inaccessible during the scheduled work and exercise extreme caution in the area, as work will take place overhead.
LED Fixtures Replacement
As part of the implementation phase of the City facilities condition assessments, the Facility Maintenance Team began installing/replacing old exterior lighting fixtures with new LED fixtures this week.
City Hall Roof Replacement
The City issued a bid request for the City Hall Roof Replacement Project last months and received four qualified bids this week. Council award of the project is scheduled for April 25, 2017.
Grant Park Senior Lounge
New window coverings have been ordered this week for the western facing windows in the Grant Park Senior lounge. Installation is expected to be completed by the end of April 2017.