Activity of the Day

The City wants you and your family to stay active and have fun during the shelter in place. How exactly? The Recreation and Community Services Department is releasing 1 activity a day that everyone can enjoy. As the activities are announced, they will be updated to this page. 

Make Homemade Greeting Cards

May 1 - Make Homemade Greeting Cards

Have each family member decorate their card and write a personal message to the recipient. This card serves as a sweet reminder to your loved ones that you care and are thinking of them.

Do Some Bird Watching

April 30 - Do Some Bird Watching

Go bird watching! Print out a list of local birds and create a bingo game. Use leftover toilet paper rolls, turn them into binoculars and look for birds. First one to bingo wins!

Character Dinner Party

April 29 - Character Dinner Party

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a pirate just for a night? Here's your chance! Throw a character dinner party and have everyone dress up as a different character. You could be a pirate, your brother could be a zombie, etc. The only rule is that you have to talk like your character throughout dinner! This sure will make for some interesting conversation.

Paper Airplane Race

April 28 - Paper Airplane Race

Who's the flyest member of your family? Find out with a paper airplane race! Have everyone create their own paper airplane. Once completed, throw all your airplanes at the same time. Whoever's plane flies the furthest is the winner (and the flyest)!

Paint Some Rocks

April 27 - Paint Some Rocks

Spread positivity throughout the community and participate in the #LosAltosKindness campaign. Paint some rocks with sweet images or messages and sprinkle them around the City (while practicing proper social distancing). 

Stargazing At Home

April 24 - Stargazing At Home

Make your night a little brighter and stargaze from home! All you need is a kitchen colander, a bright flashlight, and a cuddle buddy. Lie die down in a dark room and shine the flashlight through the colander onto to the ceiling. TADA! Instant starry night. 

Indoor Bowling

April 23 -  Indoor Bowling

Bowl at home! This is a great way to reuse water bottles. Line 6-10 water bottles at the end of your hall. Place a line of duct tape as the starting line. Grab a medium-sized indoor ball and start bowling! You can adjust the level of difficulty by adding water into your bottles.

Write A Book Together

April 22 - Write A Book Together

Tell your story! Write a short book with your family. Each family member should take turns writing and illustrating one section of the book. In the end, you’ll have a great memory and story to share!

Go On a Scavenger Hunt

April 21 - Go On a Scavenger Hunt 

Everybody loves treasure! Create a list of items that can be found inside & outside of your house. Hide the items around the house and have your kids find them. First one to complete their list wins!

Create A Time Capsule

April 20 - Create A Time Capsule

Capture your sweet memories now and enjoy them in the future. Using a shoebox, decorate and fill a time capsule. Have each family member write a little about themselves and include an item to put in the box.

Blindfold Taste Test

April 18 - Blindfold Taste Test

Blindfold family members and have them guess the food. Whoever guesses the most food correctly wins.

Dance Off

April 17 - Dance Off

Clear some space in your living room, put on music, and dance! Make it extra fun by playing freeze dance- every time the music stops, you have to freeze or you're out!


Kids Choice

April 16- Kids Choice 

The kids are in charge tonight! Let them pick out dinner, dessert, and the activity for the evening.

Home Video Night

April 15 - Home Video Night

Break out the old family vacation videos of your kids when they were younger and have a home movie night. 

Build A Fort

April 14 - Build A Fort

Unleash your inner child and build a fort. Forts can be as elaborate as you want or you can create a simple fort by draping a blanket over two chairs. 

Draw With A Purpose

April 13 - Draw With A Purpose

Participate in the Los Altos Police Department's #KeepThemBusy campaign. Create a police-themed drawing and submit it to the @LosAltosPolice Facebook or Instagram.

Guest of Honor Night

April 10 - Guest of Honor Night

Learn some new things about someone in your family. Have this night be focused on one member of the family and ask them unique questions during dinner. 

Pick Each Others Outfits

April 9 - Pick Each Others Outfits

Each family member picks someone to dress up. Everyone has to wear their outfits for the entire today. Don't be afraid to get silly with your outfits!

Start a Virtual Book Club

April 8 - Start A Virtual Book Club

Start a virtual book club with your pals. Read one book a week and discuss over Facetime, WhatsApp, Google Hangout, etc. 

Make A Movie

April 7 - Make A Movie

Write a script, cast roles, and film your movie. This is a great way to create a lasting memory with your loved ones. 

Spa Night

April 6 - Spa Night

Plan an evening where you can do an at-home spa night. Set up some tea candles and put on relaxing music. You can do facials, manicures, or pedicures. 

Camp At Home

April 3 - Camp At Home

Camp from the comfort of your own home! Pitch a tent, grill some BBQ, make s'mores, and tell stories around the campfire (we recommend using a flashlight). It's all the fun of outdoor camping, minus the pesky mosquitos.

Make Your Own Board Game

April 2 - Make Your Own Board Game

Get creative with this DIY board game idea! First, decide what kind of game you want to make. Then, design the board and create the game pieces you need. You make the rules so the game can be as wacky as you want it to be! Game night just got more interesting.

April Fools Prank

April 1 - April Fools Prank

Cut "E's" out of brown construction paper, put them in a baking tin, cover it in tin foil and surprise your family. April Fools!

Host a Talent Show

March 31 - Host A Talent Show

Your family’s got talent! Host a talent show where your family members can show off their skills. Make a program, have someone be the announcer and set up a stage. Make sure to take lots of pictures. 

Celebrate the Holidays Again

March 30 - Celebrate The Holidays Again

In need of some holiday cheer? Break out some Christmas lights, set up some decorations and have a Christmas celebration in March. For extra fun, grab some items around the house, wrap them up, and give them to your family members as 'presents'.

Have a Photoshoot

March 27 - Have A Photoshoot

Get all dressed up, gather some props, and have a family photoshoot. Have each family member take individual photos as well.


Themed Movie Night Activity

March 26 - Themed Movie Night

Pick a genre the whole family can enjoy and hold a... movie marathon! Make sure to have plenty of popcorn and snacks. If you want to get extra creative, dress up like the characters or make a themed snack. 

International Dinner Night Activity

March 25 - International Dinner Night

Each family member must pick a country that they're interest in, make a dish from that country, and share one fact that they learned.

Plan An Indoor Picnic Activity

March 24 - Plan An Indoor Picnic

All you need is a blanket, snacks, and good company.