Root Foaming

Project ID: 
Project Category: 
Project Status: 
Project Priority: 
Asset Preservation
Expended to Date: 
$1,889, 336
Project Lead: 
M. Hernandez
Year Adopted:
Annual Project
Target Completion Date:
Annual Project

The Sewer Master Plan Update recommends that an annual project be performed to chemically remove invasive tree roots within sewer mains. Chemical root removal products currently on the market provide protection from future root growth for two to three years following application.

Project Estimates Prior
2019/20 Planned 2020/21 Planned 2021/22 Planned Total
Root Foaming $1,889, 336 $200,00 $295,000 $305,000 $2,689,339
Funding Sources
Sewer Fund $1,889, 336 $200,00 $295,000 $305,000 $2,777,339
Sewer Root Foaming
Sewer Root Foaming
Status Updates

Friday, July 29, 2016: Last week, the City’s sewer maintenance crews kicked off the annual Sewer Root Foaming Project. An EPA approved root control agent will be used to remove invasive tree roots within sewer mains, which also serves to protect against future root growth for up to 3 years following application. Root foaming is being performed throughout the City, with a third of the City’s sewer mains treated each year. Typically, this project is performed by outside contractors, but for the first time, in-house city crews will complete the project. This will significantly reduce project cost and allow better coordination with other sewer maintenance work.