Leaf Clean-up

Leaf Campaign

Winter is here! Storms and winds inevitably come with leaves on our yards and streets. The Los Altos Maintenance team wants to inform residents about how to handle these leaves and the best way to clean them up.

For the leaves that are in the street:

  • Do not sweep them into piles.
  • Do not blow leaves from your yard to the street

Our street sweepers are unable to handle the additional volume. This means that if leaves are piled or there is too much, then the street sweeper has to drive around them. This creates piles that grow with each additional storm. 

For the leaves in your yard:

  • Leave them! Leaves provide great mulch for plants and grass
  • Put them in green waste containers or call Mission Trail for additional bags.

Mission Trail will provide residents with 4x4x4 bags that can be used for additional leaf cleanup. They will drop the bags off and pick them up the next week, if they are out with the regular trash. For more information, visit their website or call them at (650) 473-1400.