City Manager Weekly Update - June 16, 2017

Administrative Services

Budget Update
The upcoming two-year Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Plan was presented and discussed at the May 23, 2017 Budget Study Session. City Manager Chris Jordan then presented the proposed two-year operating budget for Fiscal Year 2018 and 2019, along with the proposed 5-Year Capital Plan at the June 13, 2017 City Council meeting. The proposed budget is expected to be adopted at the June 27, 2017 regular City Council meeting. The full copy of the proposed budget can be viewed online. The proposed budget highlights the City’s continued commitment to financial stewardship and an exciting Capital Improvement Plan. Community members are encourage to read the Budget Message and view our upcoming projects scheduled throughout the City.

Assistant City Manager

Mayor Prochnow Signs Paris Climate Protection Letter of Support
On Tuesday, June 13, 2017, Mayor Prochnow signed the Paris Climate Protection Letter of Support, joining with members of the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda (MNCAA), which represents more than 42 million Americans in 75 cities across our nation. By signing this letter of support, the MNCAA affirms their cities commitments for action to achieve the principles and goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, and to engage states, businesses and other sectors to join with the Mayors.

Community emergency response volunteers

Community Emergency Preparedness Volunteers Special Presentation
At the June 13, 2017 City Council meeting, community volunteers and the local fire unit from Santa Clara County Fire Department (Fire) were present for a report to the City Council on Los Altos PREPARES, an initiative for community preparedness. Community volunteer Sherie Dodsworth addressed Council with an overview and progress update on the Los Altos PREPARES initiative. Joining with her were CERT volunteer leader Harry Guy and HAM volunteer leader Jim Clark. Sherie Dodsworth is the Block Action Team (BAT) volunteer community leader.

Trained emergency volunteers are part of the community emergency response teams assigned to the BAT, HAM or CERT programs to assist the neighborhoods, City and Fire Department in event of an emergency or disaster. The initiative began in 2013 sponsored by the Los Altos Community Foundation to launch a grass-roots initiative for community emergency preparedness with objectives to 1) stimulate emergency preparedness in the Los Altos community, 2) engage residents, 3) partner with emergency response agencies such as City Police and Fire and 4) collaborate with other stakeholders in the community. City Council partnered with PREPARES in 2015 and provided funds for the program. County Fire initiated a resurgence of Community Emergency Response Team training and refresher classes as well as Personal Emergency Preparedness classes, all taught by Fire personnel.

PREPARES has conducted drills with the City Emergency Operations Center and with Fire. A drill is scheduled on Saturday, June 17, 2017 followed by a volunteer family picnic. The Los Altos PREPARES volunteers look forward to continuing their work with partners at the City and Fire and with community stakeholders to ensure the community is ready to respond in event of a neighborhood emergency or disaster. 

Downtown Vision

Community Development

Downtown Vision
The Downtown Vision community questionnaire is now available online and can be accessed at Printed copies of the survey are also available at the Planning counter at City Hall, 1 North San Antonio Road. You can also request printed copies by emailing us at or calling (650) 947-2750. The input collected from this questionnaire will be utilized in conjunction with information gathered at other community events and the market/economic analysis to help shape Vision Scenario Alternatives. Once developed, the Vision Scenario Alternatives will be vetted by the community and City Council through further outreach. We look forward to learning from you about your ideas for the Downtown’s future – and thank you for participating!

New Three-Story Office Building Proposed Downtown
At its meeting on June 15, 2017, the Planning and Transportation Commission (PTC) voted to continue its consideration of a three-story commercial office building located at 40 Main Street. The PTC is seeking clarifications on the plans, modifications to the design of the building, and in response to the applicant’s proposal at the lectern – a plan reflecting changes to Parking Plaza 10 as an added public benefit. The project is seeking the approval of exceptions to the height limit, on-site parking requirement and rear yard setback in return for a public paseo that provides pedestrian access between Main Street and Parking Plaza 10.

Coffee with a Cop


Coffee with a Cop
Los Altos Police invite you to join us for coffee and conversation at our upcoming Coffee with a Cop event! Starbucks Coffee located at 296 Main Street in Downtown Los Altos will help us host this event on Friday, June 30, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Coffee with a Cop has no agendas or planned speeches. We simply hope to provide an opportunity for community members to ask questions, voice concerns and get to know the Officers serving your neighborhood and community. Everyone is welcome and coffee is on us! Questions can be directed to Los Altos Police at (650) 947-2770.

Law Enforcement Torch Run

Law Enforcement Torch Run
On Thursday, June 15th, Los Altos Police Officers participated in the 2017 Special Olympics Torch Run. Six runners and four support personnel from Los Altos Police accompanied Mountain View Officers and an athlete in carrying the Olympic torch down El Camino Real. The torch was then handed off to Palo Alto Police as it continues its way towards the State Capitol and then to the Summer Games in Davis. Per the Special Olympics website, the mission of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® is to support Special Olympics Northern California through fundraising and public awareness, while enhancing the quality of life of athletes. It is a year-round fundraising campaign that culminates each June at the Special Olympics Northern California Summer Games.

Foothill Expressway Improvement Project Meeting Flyer

Public Works

Foothill Expressway Improvement Project – Community Meeting
The City of Los Altos and County of Santa Clara are partnering to host a Community Meeting to gather public input on the Foothill Expressway Improvement project. The meeting will take place Thursday, June 29, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Hillview Community Center Social Hall, 97 Hillview Avenue. The Foothill Expressway Improvement Project is part of the County of Santa Clara Expressway Plan 2040. As part of the project, the County proposes to widen Foothill Expressway between El Monte Avenue and San Antonio Road to add auxiliary lanes in each direction and provide intersection improvements at El Monte Avenue and San Antonio Road. Three design options were developed using input gathered from the previous community meetings held as part of the Expressway Plan 2040 community meetings in 2014 and 2015. Please plan to attend to provide feedback on the proposed project scope. For questions about this project, contact the Engineering Division at (650) 947-2780.

Safe Routes to School

Sunnyvale Safe Routes to School Collaborative
City staff, along with Council Members Jeannie Bruins and Lynette Lee Eng and some Los Altos residents attended the Sunnyvale Safe Routes to School Collaborative meeting this week. Since 2008, the City of Sunnyvale, the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, schools and school districts within the city of Sunnyvale, parents, businesses, and other stakeholders have been working to advance safe, active modes of travel for students and their families through the citywide Safe Routes to School program. The Sunnyvale Safe Routes to School Collaborative is a group of stakeholders that coordinate efforts across the city and provide overall direction for the program. Los Altos elected officials and city staff attended the meeting to learn from their experience and to advocate and support collaborative efforts between the two cities to provide safe routes for Los Altos students attending schools in Sunnyvale.

Hillview Community Center – Request for Proposals
Engineering staff received 8 proposals this week from firms seeking to provide architectural services for the Hillview Community Center project. Over the next few weeks, staff and selected members of the Hillview Community Center Project Task Force will review the proposals, shortlist the most qualified firms, and conduct interviews as part of the selection process. Once the top firm is selected, it is expected that City Council will award an agreement with the firm at the August 22, 2017 Council Meeting.

Sewer Rates - Annual Report and Charges
The annual report and preliminary parcel listing for the 2017/18 Fiscal Year are available for review at City Hall. The report and charges will implement a 7% increase to charges in accordance with a 5-year rate study adopted in 2013. Sewer charges fund the City’s operation and maintenance expenses, wastewater treatment costs from the Palo Alto Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and capital improvement projects.

Stormwater Treatment Device Inspections
Engineering staff completed its annual inspection of stormwater treatment devices located throughout the City. Each year, staff from engineering meets with property owners and officials from Santa Clara County Vector Control to review the operation and maintenance of treatment devices. These inspections are reported to the State Water Resources Quality Control Board as part of the City’s annual stormwater report.

Hale Creek / Permanente Creek Channel Improvements
Engineering staff attended a kickoff meeting this week with the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the District’s contractor for the Permanente Creek Flood Protection Project – Channel Improvements, Levees and Floodwalls. While most of the improvements will occur outside the Los Altos city limits, there will be some improvements within Hale Creek in Los Altos.

Peninsula Symphony Concert in the Park

Recreation & Community Services

Summer Concerts Start Tomorrow
Our first Summer Concert will be held on Saturday, June 17 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at Hillview Park soccer field. Come join us for a wonderful summer night of music provided by the Peninsula Symphony. Bring your family, pack a picnic dinner and enjoy the classical sounds of this local symphony! 

Summer Camps
Still thinking about fun activities for the children this summer? The City of Los Altos offers wonderful summer camps, which start next week. There are camps available for the following age groups: 3-5 years, 5-6 years, 7-8 years and 9-11 years. For more details visit or call (650) 947-2790.

Silicon Valley Clean Energy


Silicon Valley Clean Energy Community Meeting
Starting in July, the remaining residents of Los Altos will begin receiving 100% carbon-free electricity from Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), your new community choice energy provider. Community members are invited to learn more about SVCE at a community meeting planned for Wednesday, June 21, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Hillview Community Center Social Hall, 97 Hillview Avenue. City staff and representatives from SVCE will provide brief presentations and be on hand to answer questions. 

National Night Out

Register Your Neighborhood National Night Out Event
Los Altos Police are looking forward to another great National Night Out on Tuesday, August 1, 2017! Turn on your porch lights, lock your doors and join neighbors and Los Altos Police for a night of fun and community building. Register your neighborhood National Night Out event by Friday, July 21, 2017 so Los Altos Police can make plans to stop by. More information and registration information is available online.

Parks and Recreation and Senior Commission Now Accepting Applications
The City continues to recruit for membership on the Senior Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission. Senior Commission members must be 55+ or have special skills or experience which may benefit seniors. Each Commission advises the City Council on matters pertaining to their respective topic, with the Senior Commission also advising the Los Altos Hills Town Council. Applicants must apply by Friday, June 23, 2017. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2017. Applications can be picked-up at Los Altos City Hall, downloaded as a PDF, or submitted online. Return completed applications to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall. For more information, call (650) 947-2720.

City Council Open Office Hours
The Los Altos City Council will host Open Office Hours on the following dates and times:

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Grant Park Community Center, Room 3
1575 Holt Avenue, Los Altos

Friday, July 7, 2017
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Hillview Community Center, Room 2
97 Hillview Avenue, Los Altos

Thursday, July 20, 2017
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Grant Park Community Center, Room 3
1575 Holt Avenue, Los Altos

One City Council member will be available to the public for these two-hour periods to answer questions, receive input and discuss topics of interest with community members. Everyone is welcome.