IT Initiatives

Project ID: 
Project Category: 
Project Status: 
In Design or Study
Project Priority: 
Asset Preservation
Expended to Date: 
Project Lead: 
A. Tseng
Year Adopted:
Annual Project
Target Completion Date:
Annual Project

The initial phase of the City’s IT strategic roadmap will focus on updating the City’s core IT infrastructure, which will provide a stable base from which the other initiatives will be built upon. The most critical portion of this phase is the installation of the hyper-converged infrastructure and standardization on one virtualization platform. Other plans in the initial phase will include a rewiring of the City’s four main campuses in preparation for projects in the next three phases.

Once completed, the second phase of the strategic roadmap will focus on business continuity, specifically targeting backup, disaster recovery, and the modernization of the City’s data center.

The third phase of the strategic roadmap will target the business applications utilized by the City, which include applications utilized by finance, building, recreation, and voice communications. This phase will have the greatest impact on the public as the majority of the applications are customer-facing and the modernization of them will provide new online capabilities.

The final phase of the roadmap targets a complete hardware refresh of the technology utilized by the City, focusing on systems that weren’t replaced or updated during the initial phase of the project. The City will look to implement a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) that will replace the desktops and laptops with VDI clients, allowing the IT staff to respond more quickly to the changing needs of various departments while reducing maintenance and security threats.

Project Estimates Prior
2017/18 Budget 2018/19 Planned 2019/20 Planned 2020/21 Planned 2021/22 Planned Total
IT Initiatives $2,541,398 $250,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - $2,791,398
Funding Sources
CIP $291,398 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 -   $291,398
Technology Fund $2,250,000 $250,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 -   $2,500,00